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Artificial Intelligence

Transparency about the use of generative AI is necessary to ensure the authenticity of academic and creative work. The role of generative AI in this work should be disclosed as required by the course syllabus or publication standards. This ensures that the evaluation of such work is fair and recognizes the contribution of AI within the bounds of academic integrity.

  • It depends: The unauthorized use of Artificial Intelligence is a violation of the Academic Integrity Code unless the faculty member has authorized the use of AI in their course and on that assignment. It would be considered "Cheating: Using, attempting to use, or giving unauthorized assistance or materials in an effort to gain academic advantage" In the absence of guidance from faculty, students should consider that their primary role is to learn through course assignments and activities, and using AI should enhance, not get in the way of their learning.

  • Ask your course instructor. They will decide if you can use Artificial Intelligence to help you complete any assignments. When you ask, be sure to explain exactly how you plan to use the service. The professor may restrict the use of Artificial Intelligence services much like how in some cases a professor may restrict certain sources like Wikipedia when completing research assignments or scientific calculators when completing certain math and science assignments. If you do use an Artificial Intelligence service, be sure to cite your work if you take statements from the service and plan to use them in your assignment submission.

  • Yes. Any AI-generated content must be cited similarly to any other source, using established disciplinary styles and standards. Failure to do so may be considered a violation of academic integrity.

  • Faculty should outline clear ethical guidelines for AI use in their courses and specific assignments, setting expectations from the outset. This should encompass discussions about intellectual property, the importance of attribution, and the nuanced difference between aid and plagiarism. Please review the optional syllabus statements provided (opens in a new tab) for further information.


  • Faculty should be proactive in understanding AI capabilities and limitations, integrating them into the curriculum thoughtfully, and providing guidance to students on ethical AI use.
  • Curriculum Development: Faculty should assess and identify areas within their syllabi where AI can enrich or interfere with the learning experience. Incorporating AI should be aimed at complementing learning objectives. This might include integrating AI into discussions or assignments that foster critical engagement with the technology and topic.
  • AI Literacy: Educators are responsible for helping students understand both the potential and the limitations of AI in their courses. This includes providing students with instruction to critically analyze AI-generated content and to understand the biases and assumptions inherent in AI models.

  • As the course instructor you may restrict and use Artificial Intelligence as you deem fit based on the goals and objectives of your course. Artificial Intelligence is becoming exteremly intertwined with the technology we interact with every day so it may be difficult to completely eliminate its use by yourself and your students. Appalachian State University prepares students to be successful participants and leaders in our world. Whatever our personal stance and concerns with AI might be, we need to recognize that AI is now part of it. Therefore, we need to prepare stakeholders to work with AI in effective, responsible, ethical ways. As an extension of this, the whole Appstate community needs to cultivate AI literacy and develop policies and guidelines for its use.